WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Finance Committee Paper 6 20/02/09 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY FINANCE COMMITTEE FOR INFORMATION Title: FINANCE REVIEW – 10 MONTHS TO 31/01/2009 Prepared by: Alistair Highet, Finance Manager Purpose To present a summary review of income & expenditure for the 10 months to 31st January 2009 and a projection of the financial outcome for the year to 31st March 2009. In addition, to analyse Operational Plan net expenditure for the 10 month period. Recommendations The Finance Committee is requested to: a) Note the results for the 10 month period to the end of January 2009 and the projected outcome for the 12 months to 31st March 2009. b) Note the further analysis of Operational Plan net expenditure by programme for the 10 months to 31st January 2009 and the projected outcome, by programme, for the year to 31st March 2009. Executive Summary a) Table 1 shows the financial results of the CNPA for the first 10 months of 2008/09. The 10 months to 31st January 2009 result in a surplus of £323k against a planned surplus of £60k (the £263k variance representing 6.9% of income). b) The £263k surplus is reflected in an under-spend of Operational Plan expenditure. c) The projected outcome for the year to 31st March 2009 is a small overspend of £17k. The £42k projected savings against target are reflected by core, mainly payroll, cost savings and a small Operational Plan under-spend. d) Table 2 analyses the net expenditure of £884k on Operational Plan programmes over the 10 months to 31st January. Whilst £239k under- spent over this period, Operational Plan net expenditure is currently projected to be £25k under-spent for the full year at £1,690k. PAGE 2 e) The budget figures shown represent the amendments to budget lines made as part of the September/ October 2008 mid-year spending review for 2008/ 2009. PAGE 3 2008/09 10 MONTH REVIEW – FOR INFORMATION Background Table 1. Results for the 10 months to 31st January 2009: CNPA 2008/09 Jan 09 Jan 09 Jan-09 Mar-09 Mar-09 Mar-09 Operating Cost Statement Actu Budget Variance Projected Budget Variance £000's Ytd Ytd Ytd Y/e Y/e Y/e Income Grant in Aid (GIA) from SG 3,646 3,637 9 4,546 4,546 0 Planning & Other Income 1 1 0 55 55 0 Operational Plan Income 162 275 -113 402 402 0 Total Income a) 3,809 3,913 -104 5,003 5,003 0 Expenditure Board members salary costs 165 170 5 199 204 5 Staff salary costs 1,702 1,714 12 2,043 2,055 12 Board and staff salary costs b) 1,867 1,884 17 2,242 2,259 17 Other Board and Staff costs 230 222 -8 275 267 -8 Office running costs 186 183 -3 223 220 -3 IT and Professional Support 117 128 11 143 154 11 Other Operating Costs a) 533 533 0 641 641 0 Operational Plan c) 1,046 1,398 352 2,092 2,117 25 Expenditure Depreciation a) 47 47 0 57 57 0 Total Expenditure 3,493 3,862 369 5,032 5,074 42 Net Operating Cost 316 51 265 -29 -71 42 Bank Interest Received a) 7 9 -2 12 12 0 Net Income/ -Expenditure d) 323 60 263 -17 -59 42 Notes a) Income and sundry other costs are projected to be in line with Budget for the year. b) Payroll savings against budget at the end of January are expected to be maintained for the remainder of the year. c) Operational plan expenditure at the end of 10 months is £352k below Budget (£113k of which is to be funded from external income not yet PAGE 4 claimed). One budget line of £25k has so far been confirmed as not required. d) If income and expenditure are as projected for the remaining 2 months to 31st March 2009, a small overspend of £17k will arise. PAGE 5 Table 2. Net Operational Plan expenditure for the 10 months to 31st January 2009: CNPA Operational Plan 2008/09 Jan-09 Jan-09 Jan-09 Mar-09 Mar-09 Mar-09 Expenditure Summary Actual Budget Variance Projected Budget Variance £000's Ytd Ytd Ytd Y/e Y/e Y/e Operating Cost Statement Operational Plan Income 162 275 -113 402 402 0 Operational Plan 1,046 1,398 352 2,092 2,117 25 Expenditure -884 -1,123 239 -1,690 -1,715 25 Operational Plan Programmes 1. Biodiversity and landscapes -73 -117 44 -145 -145 0 2. Land Management support e) -184 -148 -36 -189 -189 0 3. Sustainable Deer management -7 -11 4 -16 -16 0 4. Outdoor Access -161 -186 25 -302 -302 0 5. Sustainable Tourism & business -130 -193 64 -355 -355 0 6. Affordable Sustainable -49 -59 10 -107 -107 0 Housing 7. Awareness and f) -159 -258 98 -380 -408 25 Understanding 8. Communications -94 -107 13 -130 -130 0 9. Planning -17 -20 3 -32 -32 0 10. Corporate Services -10 -24 14 31 -31 0 Net Operating Cost -884 -1,123 239 -1,690 -1,715 25 Notes e) £52k of budget has been moved from core staff costs to Land Management Support to cover the cost of the 2 new Land Management Support Officers. f) £25k budget allocated against priority for action ‘6d, New ways to make Park info available’ will not be spent this year due to constraints on staff time. PAGE 6 Alistair Highet 11 February 2009 alistairhighet@cairngorms.co.uk